The Future Continuous Tense (Passive Voice)

1. Review: the future continuous tense

The future continuous tense is used to say what will be happening at a future time.

It can also be used to stress a future action as important or extraordinary. This is because ‘…ing’ stresses the verb more than the future simple tense.

The future continuous tense is made by

  • subject + will be + …ing (+ future time)
  • subject + (be) going to be + …ing (+ future time)
Future timeWhat will be happening?
(future continuous tense)
Example sentence
when you get homeI will be sleepingI will be sleeping when you get home.
when the game is onhe is going to be workingHe is going to be working when the game is on.
when she arrivesit will be rainingIt will be raining when she arrives.
TuesdaySamantha is going to be shoppingI think Samantha is going to be shopping no matter whether it rains on Tuesday or not.

2. What is the passive voice?

The passive voice changes ‘x did something to y’ into ‘y has something done to it (by x)’.

It is made by:

  • object + be + perfect participle (+ by subject)

*Perfect participle (p.p.) = gone, done, seen, eaten etc.

‘Be’ changes depending on the tense you want to use (present, past, future, perfect, etc.).

3. The future continuous tense (passive voice)

The future continuous (passive) uses the structures:

  • object + be (future) + being + perfect participle (+ by subject)
  • object + (be) going to be + being + perfect participle (+ by subject)
BeingP.p.By subjectExample sentence
Daviswill bebeinginterviewedby the local TV stationDavis will be being interviewed by the local TV station during the concert.
The treewill bebeingcut downThe tree will be being cut down tomorrow at 7am.
The patientswill bebeingsentThe patients will be being sent to Mercy Hospital while County Hospital does repairs.
Nikkiwill bebeingflownby helicopterTomorrow’s plan is that while most of the wedding guests take cars to the castle, Nikki will be being flown by helicopter.
Object(Be) going to be beingBeingP.p.By subjectExample sentence
Rupertis going to bebeingwatchedby the oppositionI expect that during the game Rupert is going to be being watched carefully by the opposition, so we will need other players to play well.
The cinemais going to bebeingrenovatedThe council have said that the cinema is going to be being renovated after the budget.
Iam going to bebeingfeaturedI am going to be being featured in the upcoming edition of Style magazine.
Theyare going to bebeingservedby AlexisOnce the VIPS arrive at the restaurant, they are going to be being served by Alexis.

4. Converting a future continuous tense into its passive voice

To change a future continuous tense into its passive form:

1. swap the subject and object
2. change the verb from ‘will be …ing’ to ‘will be being + p.p.’
or change the verb from ‘is going to be …ing’ to ‘is going to be being + p.p.’

Future continuousFuture continuous (passive)
She will be walking the dog when we get home.The dog will be being walked when we get home.
The mechanic will be fixing the car at 5.The car will be being fixed by the mechanic at 5.
The pilot will be turning on the seatbelt sign just after take-off.The seatbelt sign will be being turned on by the pilot just after take-off.
The priest will be overseeing the wedding on Sunday.The wedding will be being overseen by the priest on Sunday.

5. Using the future continuous (passive) to stress an action

Like the future continuous tense, the future continuous (passive) describes an on-going event at a future time.

It can also be used to stress an action in the future. This is because ‘…ing’ stresses the verb more than the future simple (passive).

It is often necessary to supply context to justify the stress of the action.

Future tense (passive)MeaningFuture continuous tense (passive)Future continuous tense (passive) with contextMeaning
Those girls will be punished.Simple future truthThose girls will be being punished.Do not think that I am soft on them because they are the President’s daughters. Those girls will be being punished.Stress action is happening despite expectations it will not
The dog will be seen by the vet on Saturday.Simple future truthThe dog will be being seen by the vet on Saturday.We have been waiting for weeks, and for a while we thought it would die, but finally the dog will be being seen by the vet on Saturday.Stress action is finally happening
Our office will be opened by the mayor next week.Simple future truthOur office will be being opened by the mayor next week.I was really excited to hear that our office will be being opened by the mayor next week.Stress importance of action
Howie’s appendix will be removed this afternoon.Simple future truth Howie’s appendix will be being removed this afternoon.As it is critical the doctor’s do not delay the surgery, Howie’s appendix will be being removed this afternoon.Stress importance of action
Bruce and Anya’s film will be shown after the talk.Simple future truthBruce and Anya’s film will be being shown after the talk.Please don’t immediately leave at 5pm, because Bruce and Anya’s film will be being shown after the talk.Stress importance of action
The space probe will be shot into the sun.Simple future truthThe space probe will be being shot into the sun.At the end of its mission, and in an amazing feat of scientific engineering, the space probe will be being shot into the sun.Stress the extraordinariness of the action

Usually the future tense (passive) is sufficient, and the future continuous (passive) is not required.

6. Examples of the future continuous (passive)

I hope the dinner will be being cooked when I get home.If you call at 5, she will still be being driven to the meeting.
This time next week that wall will be being painted by 25 young artists.The route will be being decided as soon as we know who is going.
The match will be being played at 7 30, not 7, because of the traffic problems.All the animals will be being fed at 3 o’clock this afternoon.
The winner will be being picked by the chairman on Friday.The house will be being put on sale once the couple find a new flat.

Practice Pack

Future Continuous Tense (Passive Voice) Practice Pack
Future Continuous Tense (Passive Voice) Practice Pack
126 practice questions to recognise and create the future continuous tense in the passive voice. (30 pages)