The next next day

Time phrases that repeat words are quite childish. These include:
– tomorrow’s tomorrow
– yesterday’s yesterday
– the next next day
– the day before before
Instead, use the correct counting phrase.

The correct counting phrase

tomorrow’s tomorrowthe day after tomorrow
in two days time
yesterday’s yesterdaythe day before yesterday
two days ago
the next next daytwo days after
the day before beforetwo days before


Jill will start her new job tomorrow’s tomorrow.Jill will start her new job the day after tomorrow.
Jill left her last job yesterday’s yesterday’s yesterday.Jill left her last job 3 days ago.
He will go to Beijing on the 19th. On the 19th’s tomorrow, he will go to Xining.He will go to Beijing on the 19th. The day after that he will go to Xining.
He will go to Beijing on the 19th. On the 19th’s yesterday he will be in Xi’an.He will go to Beijing on the 19th. The day before that, he will be in Xi’an.
I went to Milan for the football game. The game’s tomorrow I came home.I went to Milan for the football game. The day after, I came home.
I went to Milan for the football game. I bought my ticket that day’s yesterday.I went to Milan for the football game. I bought my ticket the day before.